My payment is being declined
Main Page My payment is being declined

Declined payment or similar payment errors:


PayPal may decline your payment for various reason that we do not know - but typically it is due to insufficient balance on your account, or that your underlying payment method(bank or card) is itself declining the balance

Please reach out to PayPal to resolve this issue before contacting us - we likely can not help you with this

Card / Stripe

Typically if your card is being declined this is due to fraud prevention. For some reason our payment processor might suspect your card usage to not be authorized. Check your phone or email for any notifications relating to this if the card is declined

Please reach out to your card provider to resolve this issue before contacting us - we likely can not help you with this

If your payment is still being declined...

Try another payment method, or try one of our Alternative payment methods under Support > Payments > Alternative payments

If you need any help at all, you can contact us using the form below

Enter the email where the answer to this request will be sent
Describe your issue or question
When you receive a response, simply reply directly to that e-mail.